Watch and Workout

For most of us, I think it’s safe to say we’ve resigned ourselves to the fact that everyone is spending more time watching TV than they were a few weeks ago. So why not make it a family activity AND mix in some little bits of fitness? These little spurts of activity won’t really be a workout workout, but they will get you all up off the couch here and there while you’re watching and, depending on the exercises you choose, will get your heart pumping. And yeah - this is totally something you could do just for yourself too! It’s really quite easy! All you have to do is: 1) Pick a Show. Do you have a show, or shows, your family enjoys watching together? 2) Sit down together and make a list of things that commonly or frequently happen, are said, or occur in the show . 3) For each of the ‘occurrences’ above, pick an exercise or activity that you ca...